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  1. 林鄭月娥在處理《逃犯條例》修訂中犯了無可饒恕的錯誤,應引咎辭去港大校監一職;
  2. 港大校方應確保在今次運動中被送上法庭的港大學生得到公平的處理、法律支援。




  1. 第二項議程只是討論,動議人沒要求表決,因而不應臨時提出議案進行偷襲;
  2. 10月19日的會議是在大部份會員不知情的情況下召開,因而不公平;
  3. 畢業生議會被政治騎劫,擔心有損校譽。


畢業生議會的通知表明,兩條議案都是,“To discuss the following as set out in the requisition from ... Voting will start upon the commencement of General Discussion.”


畢業生議會規程 XXVIIA — 規程 XXVIIB 規定:

9. 所有在畢業生議會會議上出現的問題,均須由出席會議的成員以過半數票決定;如有票數均等的情況,則主席除可投其原有票外,亦可投決定票。

10. 畢業生議會具有下述權力 —
(c) 討論任何與大學有關的事宜,包括任何由校董會或校務委員會轉交畢業生議會討論的事宜,並將畢業生議會對該等事宜的意見向校董會、校務委員會或教務委員會(視屬何情況而定)報告;
(d) 向校董會、校務委員會或教務委員會報告其議事程序;
(e) 就任何影響大學的事宜,與校董會、校務會或教務委員會直接溝通;



The functions of Convocation shall be to elect the Chancellor and the Professor of Poetry.
The Chancellor shall be elected by Convocation and shall hold office during his or her life or until his or her resignation.

香港大學的畢業生議會在 1958 年成立,之前它已有校友會,但其時港大屬於貴族階層,校大校友會的一些會員甚至不是港大舊生。畢業生議會的成立目的就是希望舊生關心港大發展。而舊生聯誼的活動則留給校友會。

“namely: the Alumni Association to foster social intercourse amongst its members, and Convocation being a statutory body to concern itself in the more formal aspect of University polices, etc.”—— 1973年主席發言


“This factor refers to the very limited scope conferred on Convocation by the University Statues, resulting in the very restricted type of activates which Convocation can "legally" involve itself in.”

在1969年1月之前,港大舊生並非直接成為畢業生議會的成員。1957年的大學條例的這一部份為「graduates of the University of such standing as shall be determined by the Council」。它是說,其成員資格需由校委會認為符合一定社會地位。現在,畢業生議會有162,000成員,包括港大的教職員、證書和文憑生。

1971年前的畢業生議會只有會議常規(standing order)。畢業生議會通過議案,要求修改大學條例,擴大畢業生議會的功能,擁有自己的憲章。

六十年代,Professor Stock 以「畢業生議會的角色、理想及承擔」為題在畢業生議會的周年大會發言。他說,美國的大學畢業生都認為對母校有義不容辭的責任。港大畢業生在殖民地享有社會地位時,他們卻不關心母校,畢業生議會好像是為你們而設,不是由你們設立。

“Many of the graduates of the University of Hong Kong now occupy positions of importance and distinction in the Colony and elsewhere ... for example of the Alumni of the great American universities who regard it as a solemn obligation to help their Alma Mater ... In this regard, it is perhaps significant that Convocation was formed for you rather than by you.”

“You have a mandate to discuss University affairs; in the words of the Staute ... any matter whatsoever relating to the University including any matter referred to it by the Senate or the Court.”

1967年校大副校 James B Gibson 以港大未來為題在畢業生議會的周年大會發言。他同樣地鼓勵畢業生關心和參與港大發展:

“For Convocation to fulfil its statutory function it must be well informed ... Convocation is not only a point of crystallisation for feelings of old affection but a body through which our graduates can contribute to the vitality of the University and enhance the respect in which it is held by their lively support.”

當年的副校 Professor Stock 發言時感嘆,沒有人會喜歡對門可羅雀的會議發言:

“No speaker is impressed by a half empty hall and poor attendance does not reflect any credit on this University and its Convocation.”


我們今天做的是響應 Professor Stock 在畢業生議會的周年大會發言的結語:「任何值得做的事都應該認真地做,任何不值得認真地做的,都是不值得去做。」

“If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well. If it is not worth doing well, it is not worth doing at all.”


The University of Hong Kong

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

An Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") of Convocation will be held on Saturday, 19 October 2019 at 9:30 am in Hui Pun Hing Lecture Theatre, The University of Hong Kong.

"That the members of Convocation hold Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-Ngor responsible for having caused unforgivable havoc to Hong Kong by seeking to introduce the controversial extradition law and earnestly urge her to resign as the Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong."

"That the members of Convocation strongly urge the university administration to adopt such measures for and render assistance to HKU students who have been physically and/or psychologically injured during the anti-extradition movement that can best ensure about their legal rights being adequately protected at trials and their injuries sustained from police brutality sufficiently redressed."


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